Monday, December 14, 2009

Computer Animation Stuff

I would like to go back and redo the lighting. This was our first assignment so I did my best for what I knew at the time. You learn as you go. I enjoyed it.

The weight shift at the end when he steps needs to be refined.

Traditional Animation Stuff

This was the last semester in which we do traditional animation. As much as I enjoy it, I'm ready to just focus on computer animation stuff now. I think it is great that we start with the fundamentals and work with the roots of animation before diving into the new stuff. Here is the stuff I did.

Some of you may recognize the quote as a one-liner from Mitch Hedberg. R.I.P. Mitch.

This is part of a whole. The whole class had characters that transitioned from theirs to the next. My guy is supposed to be flicking the previous character off the screen.